Investor Information

BioCRUDE welcomes you as a potential investor. If you wish to have more information than what is available here or would like to have a personal conversation with one of our officers, please contact us.

Company History

BioCrude Technologies, Inc. was incorporated on January 9, 2007 under the Corporate Laws of the State of Nevada, and on October 27, 2008, under the Corporate Laws of Canada, and has its Head Quarters in Montreal, Quebec.

The Company was co-founded by Mr. John Moukas, who inspired the original BioCrude technologies and served as creative advisor in the infancy of the company and incubation, thereof.

The Company is a resource management expertise and services provider, catering to municipal and industrial customers, primarily in the areas of solid waste management and recycling services.

Investment Indicators

The major positive indicators for the success of this business opportunity are:

Risk Factors

This Offering involves a high degree of risk and should be made by Investors who can afford to lose their entire investment. Each Investor should carefully consider the risks and uncertainties discussed below in this Memorandum before investing in the Company's securities. The following does not purport to be exclusive or to summarize all risks that may be associated with purchasing or owning the Company's securities. Each Investor is advised and expected to conduct its own investigation into the Company and to arrive at an independent evaluation of an investment in the shares. This Memorandum is provided for assistance only and should be read in its entirety. This Memorandum is not intended to be, and must not be taken as, a recommendation to purchase any shares or as the basis for an investment.

Investment Trends

While concerns are increasing over how long global oil supplies will match consumer needs, the pathway is widening for companies offering technological and environmental solutions. With increasing support from a Federal level and individual States increasing their incentives for energy saving products, companies already establishing themselves in this sector are also in a position to expand their product lines and reach into new areas being promoted at a government level.


The venture capital world has had a stormy relationship with energy technology. Over the past twenty years there have been a number of waves of interest in new and renewable energy technologies, usually coinciding with periods of high oil prices, but activity has always died back in the face of low-cost, fossil fuel-based energy. The past four years have seen a remarkable increase in funds flowing into the sector. Will things be any different this time?


Sales in this sector reached over $35 billion globally in 2005, an impressive growth from 2004.