Company History

BioCrude Technologies, Inc. was incorporated on January 9, 2007 under the Corporate Laws of the State of Nevada, and on October 27, 2008, under the Corporate Laws of Canada, and has its Head Quarters in Montreal, Quebec.

The Company was co-founded by Mr. John Moukas, who inspired the original BioCrude technologies and served as creative advisor in the infancy of the company and incubation, thereof.

The Company is a resource management expertise and services provider, catering to municipal and industrial customers, primarily in the areas of solid waste management and recycling services.

BioCrude has developed efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly products, processes and systems for the reformation of waste material, waste management and creation of renewable energy.

The versatility and potential of the BioCrude technology has been demonstrated by the many uses that our R & D department has already tested and verified. The avenues they have explored include sustainable and cost efficient methods that will enlarge composting and biomethanation yields and rates of decomposition while increasing output and providing a higher quality of end product. BioCrude's focus is on waste treatment protocols for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), cellulose, all organic waste and all manure types, renewable energy sources such as biogas, ethanol and biodiesel, waste water treatment, and multiple other environmental applications.

One very important area that BioCrude technologies excels in is the reformation of MSW into renewable energy and marketable end-by-products, using its intrinsic intellectual property and know how in its "Integrated Municipal Solid Waste to Energy Proposed Complexes" for municipal applications. By understanding the non-homogenous nature and characteristics of the waste, we can define distinct processes to optimally handle the procurement of the varied categories of waste (MSW can be classified into organics, fuels, recyclables, inerts and others), once segregated with an efficient separation process and materials recovery facility (MRF).

Company's Mission

The main focus of the Company is the development and commercialization of innovative green technology products and processes in the field of waste management and waste to energy production. These products, processes and technologies are applicable to the needs of many industries, institutions, and even whole countries!

The long-term vision of the organization is to build a highly sustainable and profitable company by transforming traditional solid waste streams into renewable resources of energy.

Global competition for limited resources is, the Company believes, creating significant business opportunities for companies that can sustain and extract value in the form of energy and raw materials from resources previously considered an irretrievable waste stream.

BioCrude's business strategy has been firmly tied to creating a sustainable resource management model and the Company continues to be rooted in these same tenets today. Each day the Company strives to create long-term value for all stakeholders: customers, employees, communities, and shareholders, by helping customers and communities manage their resources in a sustainable and financially sound manner.

Competitive Advantages

BioCrude has developed efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly products, processes and systems for the reformation of waste material and the creation of renewable energy and marketable by-products.

BioCrude excels in the reformation of Municipal Solid Waste by using its intrinsic intellectual property and know-how regarding Integrated Waste to Energy Processing Complexes (fungal technology that increase the rate of decomposition of organics, and optimized processes).

BioCrude has adopted directive, as part of its corporate governance, to routinely undertake innovative strategic planning initiatives in order to design and implement integrated solid waste systems that are responsive to dynamic demographic and industrial growth needs of municipalities. Strategic planning starts with the formulation of long-term goals based on the local urban needs, followed by a medium and short-term action plan to meet these goals. The strategy and action plans should identify a clear set of integrated actions, responsible parties and needed human, physical and financial resources as part of the waste management solution.

In the last four years, the Company through its commercialization efforts has established good relationships with governments and ministries; in more than 30 countries in North America, Latin America, Asia, Africa and Europe and received a positive reception when presented its waste to energy solution for their waste management dilemmas.

Millstones Achieved to Date

2007 – 2009

R&D and Waste Management Development: BioCrude initiated its development of the integrated waste to energy plant concept, proposal, business model and contracts. Documentation pertaining to the following (including, but not limited to) have been completed: Project Proposal, Concession Agreements (MSW, Land & Supply of Treated Effluent), Power Purchase Agreement, Executive Summaries and Power Point Presentations, amongst other literature.

2009 – 2017

Marketing and Commercialization: BioCrude presented its waste to energy solution to governments and ministries from USA, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Africa and Europe; submissions of MSW-Energy Proposals and offers for engagement have been made to the following governments: Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Senegal, Benin, Niger, Guinea, Mali, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, Morocco, Tunisia, China, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, India, Pakistan, the Republic of Zimbabwe, Bahrain, Qatar, Argentina, Colombia, Panama, Uruguay, Canada (Vancouver (BC), Laval (QC), Montreal (QC) and Quebec (QC)), New York (USA) and Vermont (USA).

January 2016

Concluded Engagements: Signed Concession Agreements, by and between the Government of Grande Comore and BioCrude Technologies, Inc. for the first Waste to Energy project in the municipality of Moroni, consisting of:

  • Exclusive Municipal Solid Waste Concession Agreement, Land Lease Agreement and Supply of Treated Sewage, via BOOT, for the implementation of a 700 TPD Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) to Energy Complex in the city of Moroni, Grande Comore, with Sovereign Guarantees endorsing same;
  • Power Purchase Agreement ("PPA"), whereby "Le Gestion de l'Eau et de l'Électricité aux Comores (MA-MWE)", Government Power Corporation of Grande Comore, will buy back the procured energy, with Sovereign Guarantees endorsing same.


Since July 2008, BioCrude Technologies, Inc. has taken the initiative to market and promote its intellectual property and specialized technical expertise throughout the market place, both nationally and globally (we have introduced our technology to Governments and major Conglomerates in the Waste to Energy sector) in over 30 Countries worldwide, whereby BioCrude has successfully opened up dialogue with Governmental Authorities and respectable corporations for near future contractual negations.

In December, 2008, Jaipuria Advanced Technologies, Inc. ( and of India, and BioCrude Technologies, Inc., announced their formation of a new division dedicated to Waste Reformation and Energy Procurement for the purpose of pursuing contracts in India. In many areas of the country, waste management and energy shortages are a serious problem. With Jaipuria's construction and large project experience, and with the use of the intellectual property supplied by BioCrude in terms of waste management and production of renewable energy, we have, in January, 2008, submitted a bid, in response to a tender for a Waste to Energy plant (2,000 TPD) in Okhla and Tymarpur, India (we placed second) and Indore, India (Collection and Treatment of municipal waste; 600 MT per Day; we placed second overall, but in the sub-category of evaluation of submitted proposal, we were rated first).

During this time, we have also negotiated with "Pepsi Co India" to build a 50 TPD prototype in the city of Panipat, India, in a strategic joint venture alliance. A few months later, Pepsi Co India's New President/CEO had a change of corporate venue and put aside the Waste to Energy initiative.

This Competitive pursuit in India has not only exposed BioCrude Technologies, Inc., to the world as a Global Conglomerate, able to handle Municipal Scale Projects in the Waste Management milieu, but also gave BioCrude an educational experience on how to position itself with a cutting edge, above the "so called" competition.

After two years of works, lobbying and presentations to respective Governmental Authorities, BioCrude is proud to announce that it had established a successful marketing campaign, with promising results.

Strategies of the Company

BioCrude has developed what we believe is a highly effective marketing strategy, built on a proactive direct marketing campaign with Government, large corporate facility management that target the sector for waste product treatment and reformation. The corner stone of this strategy is obtaining secured Municipal Solid Waste Concession Agreements, Land Lease Agreements, the Supply of Treated Sewage Concession Agreements (the "MSW Agreement") and the Power Purchase Agreements (the "PPA") for the resale of the procured electricity generated by the Complex. The essence of the Concession Agreements is that it not only guarantees the MSW Agreement (and implied tipping fees related thereto, with annual indexing), but the resale of the marketable by-products (energy to grid via PPA) for the duration of the term, with Sovereign Guarantees.

Investments in Waste to Energy facilities position the Company well for the evolution of the industry from waste management to resource management. A measure of the successful implementation of this strategy is the signing of MSW Agreements & PPA with the country of Niger for the design, procurement, construction and operation of five (5) W2E plants to service five cities.

To accelerate the Company's growth and secure a dominant position in the W2E market, the company will aggressively pursue two additional avenues. To minimize the strain on human and financial resources, BioCrude will seek suitable organizations processing complementary strengths as joint venture partners. The Company will dramatically increase its technical staff to position itself as an engineering company capable of simultaneously managing the design and implementation of many Complexes. The actual construction process will be subcontracted to organizations specializing in this activity for projects of this nature.

We believe that this will result in a development of a marketing and distribution network with extensive coverage of the Company's target market at a minimal expense, allowing the Company to reach profitability. We believe that our marketing strategy will permit us to generate an extensive customer/end user base. In addition, this will allow the Company to provide waste to energy consulting services to governments and industrial organizations.

The Company's long-term strategy is to create economically beneficial uses for waste streams through resource transformation solutions. Since the value of commodities after processing costs is typically higher than other disposal options, such as landfilling or incineration, the Company believes this strategy is effective long-term. The Company believes that as carbon taxes or cap and trade systems are implemented and the demand for commodities rises, economics will further favour this strategy. The Company is also focusing on lowering the cost of resource transformation solutions by reducing its recycling processing operating costs, examining ways to mitigate commodity price fluctuations, and developing new processing technologies. These steps will help to build an effective business model at lower commodity pricing levels.

In addition to the above noted macro strategy, the Company is focused on three main areas to improve the performance of base operations and increase cash flow generation:

  1. Pricing initiatives;
  2. Cost controls and operating efficiencies;
  3. Asset management.

Pricing initiatives

BioCrude has developed and standardized a number of sales programs. We believe that the pricing logic used in our fee programs is reasonable and competitive. We expect to continue to add to our fee based pricing through additional administrative fees, recycling fees, late charges and further improvements to our existing fee structures. The goal of our pricing program is to generate price increases in excess of CPI. BioCrude will derive revenues from a combination of commodity sales (Marketable by-products – fertilizer and energy resale), carbon credits (CER's under the "Clean Development Mechanism" established pursuant to article 12 of the "Kyoto Protocol" (CDM project)) and tipping fees paid for material processing. Fluctuations in commodity pricing are managed by a number of risk mitigation strategies including: financial hedging instruments (transfer of foreign exchange risk), Sovereign Guarantees, floor prices, forward sales contracts, index purchases, and tipping fees. The goal is to smooth revenue, net of cost of products purchased, and generate consistent cash flows.

Cost controls and operating efficiencies

The Company continues to search for the best practices throughout the entire organization and then implements these solutions through standardized continuous improvement programs. The goals of these programs are to enhance customer service, increase safety for employees, and to reduce operating and administrative costs. The Company has implemented continuous improvement strategies and the introduction of select operating efficiency initiatives in safety, productivity, maintenance, customer service, environmental compliance, and procurement.

Asset management

The BioCrude's capital strategy will be focused in two main areas:

  • Implementing operating programs that improve capital efficiency and asset utilization; and
  • Pursuing select strategic investment opportunities in waste transformation and resource optimization.

BioCrude seeks to selectively invest growth capital in high-return opportunities that will enhance its ability to support emerging customer and market needs in waste transformation and resource optimization. The investment strategy seeks to leverage core competencies in materials processing to create additional value from the waste stream.